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Windows Powershell Winget & Rainmeter

A new Project :bow: Who want join?

I would be interested in a Winget skin for Rainmeter that sends the console command "winget update" once a day, perhaps when logging into the PC / starting Rainmeter, and then displays any programs for which an update is available. If no updates are available, this would also be displayed.

- Currently I cannot format the received text from the console correctly

Maybe it will be a Community Project. :great:

Current Progress


[Rainmeter]Update=1000AccurateText=1DynamicWindowSize=1[Variables]GlobalfontSize=10transparenz=150OriginalW=300OriginalH=70;==================================================[Background]Meter=ShapeShape=Rectangle 0,0,300,70,10 | Fill Color 0,0,0,150 | StrokeWidth 2 | Stroke Color 0,0,0,140AntiAlias=1DynamicVariables=1[Winget]Measure=PluginPlugin=RunCommandProgram=PowerShellParameter="winget upgrade | Out-String -Width 10"; exitState=HideRegExpSubstitute=1DynamicVariables=1OutputType=UTF8Substitute="Es wurde kein installiertes Paket gefunden, das den Eingabekriterien entspricht":"Keine Updates","No installed package was found that matches the input criteria":"No Updates"Disabled=1[WingetInfo]Group=SETTINGSMeasureName=Winget Meter=StringFontFace=ArialFontStyle=BOLDFontSize=10FontColor=255,255,255,150InlineSetting=Shadow | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0,0,0,255InlineSetting2=CharacterSpacing | 0.8 | 0.8X=10Y=0Text=%1DynamicVariables=1AntiAlias=1Hidden=0[Klick]Group=SETTINGSMeter=StringFontFace=ArialFontStyle=BOLDFontSize=11FontColor=255,255,255,150InlineSetting=Shadow | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0,0,0,255InlineSetting2=CharacterSpacing | 0.8 | 0.8X=50Y=55Text=Klick MEDynamicVariables=1AntiAlias=1Hidden=0LeftMouseUpAction=[!CommandMeasure Winget "Run"]

Statistics: Posted by Rooky_89 — Yesterday, 10:06 pm — Replies 0 — Views 30

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